Diva of Desire

In my work, I see so many women who have lost touch with their sexual magnetism. They feel invisible, forgotten about, and definitely not sexy!
They seem to have forgotten, or perhaps they never even learned, that pleasure is indeed their birthright.
We all can get stuck in shame, pain, judgment of our bodies or any other aspect of our life.
We all can get stuck in the stress and hustle and bustle of life, and we forget all about our pleasure and our wild and sacred Diva nature.

Coming back to our pleasure brings along with it a radiance of sexual desirability that is unmistakably compelling.
An authentic and deeply felt sexuality is possible and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it’s meant to be wildly embraced and celebrated!
Divas of Desire want pleasure for themselves and are not afraid to communicate it to their lovers.
Divas of Desire know they deserve it - that they are worthy of pleasure, fun, and indulgence of the senses.
Divas of Desire can experience provocative lust and jaw-dropping orgasms on their own. They don’t need to rely on a partner to create profound ecstasy and bliss states. They realize that self pleasure exploration can be incredibly healing and exciting, not to mention highly satisfying.

Divas of Desire appreciate and accept their bodies just as they are and know how to accentuate their favourite assets
Divas of Desire can be real and authentic and take their sex lives with their partners to deeper and more enticing levels.
Divas of Desire can express the full spectrum of their emotions. They don’t always need to be perfect and happy.
Divas of Desire experience sacred wonders in their own bodies that connect to their divine nature. They know somatically there is something within that is greater than themselves. This energy connects them to the sacred while keeping them humble.

In our coaching sessions I will safely and lovingly take you through guided embodiment practices that will start to rewire your neuronal patterning so that you can start to automatically gravitate towards pleasure over shame, pain and judgment.
Book your discovery call today and get ready to discover your inner diva!

Important info to know about the coaching process
• I do mostly Zoom coaching sessions for my clients.
• Sessions are 75 minutes in length.
• I will be available for one email exchange between each session.
• I offer three package sizes of 4, 8 and 12 sessions. With the 2 longer packages, I give a week break after every 3 sessions to help you integrate the accumulated experiences. The longer the package, the deeper the journey into your inner landscape.
• There is no on camera nudity. In some cases I will be guiding you through more intimate practices. In this case you can simply turn the lap top away, or turn the video off in order to provide privacy.
• Sometimes we will do the feeling or energetic version of the practice during the session, and then for your homework/play you can do the touch version.
• You need to be courageous with a mindset open to be coachable. This includes acknowledging the safety and trust held within the coaching container in order to be willing to try seeing things from a different perspective and at times pushing yourself to your edges.
• I will keep you accountable to do the homework. Mostly the homework will be solo work for you to do on your own and in your own time. Repetition of the practices and techniques is critical to rewire neuronal patterning.
• As with most things, our beliefs about our sexuality as well as our sexual history are embedded into our various layers of consciousness, and unravelling that takes time and repetition. The more effort you put into it, the more results you will see.
• I will be coaching you using some powerful and transformative sexual energy practices. Some other potent body work includes breathwork, sounding, emotional release, meditation, and self pleasure practices.
• I am not a trauma specialist. However, I am trauma informed. The practices done in our sessions will help to release mild trauma. If you are working through major traumatic events, I would highly recommend seeking out a trauma specialist.
• Coaching can be highly therapeutic, however it is different than therapy. The VITA™ methodology I am trained in involves body, mind, and energy practices. Of course we make time in the session to discuss and share; but we focus a lot of the session time on journeying into somatic/body work, which is what makes this coaching methodology so unique and also so potent. This is because trauma and blockages often are stored at a body or somatic level. If you are looking for a more traditional talk therapy-based relationship, such as psychotherapy or couples therapy, my coaching may not be the best fit for you.

Still unsure? Here's what some other Divas of desire had to say:
Working with Marie for the past 10 weeks unraveling deeper depths of my original essence has been nothing short of life changing. Marie holds such a loving and compassionate presence that makes me feel so safe to go to places I’ve never gone before in my healing. I have done many different modalities of therapy, but none which have been as transformative as the integrative process of this work. I feel more deeply attuned to my body, more ignited to my own turn on in all aspects of my life, and like a Queen who has finally awakened to her own true value and worth, accepting the power of all that she is. I have learned to nurture myself in ways I’ve never imagined possible by sourcing love within myself. Marie is a true gift in this work and you feel her commitment to it through every session. Her own beauty, wisdom, and potent sexual nature become an invitation (as opposed to any threat) of what is possible in sacred, sovereign sexuality because she so lovingly guides you to taste it and claim if for yourself. If you are reading this, I highly recommend you work with Marie!
- Tia E.
Wendy is an amazing coach who makes you feel so safe and heard. I wanted to expand my orgasmic capacity away from just clitoral orgasms or ways that my body was used to. I wanted to embrace full spectrum sexuality in my whole body. Through our sessions, Wendy helped me build trust in myself, my body and my partner, and my orgasmic experience and sexuality skyrocketed! I highly recommend her.!
- Ann N.
“Come back to your body,” she urged. Self-compassion, not self-disgust. Open-minded tenderness, not iron-fisted judgement.
And thus I felt a most epiphanic return via her soul-stirring “Five Senses Reality” method.
All I can say is . . .
“You, Marie, are the wondrous depth and strength and beauty that you see in us. Remember and resource, right now and into eternity.”
- Elle K.
“Marie Wagner is very intuitive in her approach to coaching. Her style was flexible to meet me where I was at in the moment. When I needed to vent and be heard, she held space and listened. When I needed some structure, she gently guided me back into a practices that helped me process, integrate, and release my fears, hang ups, and blockages. I will definitely work with her again! I see our time together as something that can shift and evolve as I grow..”
- Nicole C.